BeCoffee 2012-12-02T14:37:00-06:00 BeCoffee 2012-12-02T14:37:00-06:00 2012-12-02T14:37:00-06:00 Clever Coffee Dripper Infuser Full Immersion Préparation manuelle Clever

Vendor: Clever
Type: Préparation manuelle
Price: 24.95

The perfect method to prepare one cup of coffee at a time. The full-immersion infuser combines the advantages of the Bodum and a classical filter infusion, eliminating the disadvantages of each. Result; A fully infused coffee, without the Bodum sediments. By adding a simple valve to the bottom of the cone, the Clever allows you to control the infusion time without getting sediment at the bottom of your cup. Place the Clever on a cup over 1.5 inches and less than 3.75 inches in diameter. Use with a # 4 cone filter.


The ideal grind should be a little bigger than for a conventional filter infusion. Adjust according to the result obtained. A too fine grind will block the pores of the filter and will give a bitter coffee. While too coarse grinding will flow very quickly and will not allow flavors to develop during infusion. The ideal temperature should be about 96 degrees Celsius. Wait a few seconds after the water is stopped boiling and you will get an ideal temperature.


Thoroughly flush the Clever Coffee Dripper with very warm water after each use to avoid deposit buildup near the valve. If necessary, use detergent-free soap and a mild scrubbing pad or brush. ]]> Default Title 24.95 CLE-COFF 400